Pick a Sentence…any Sentence.

When things are going our way, we are on cloud nine and our thoughts are flying high. We wake in the morning and say to ourselves, “This is going to be a great day, I’m so blessed, things are going well for me. Seize the day!”

Yet, when something goes wrong, it’s very easy to think negative thoughts. All of a sudden we are saying to ourselves, “This really stinks, this has ruined my day…my week. Everything always goes wrong for me.”

When things go south for you, take that negative thought and make it a positive thought. Write it down, and force yourself to say it repeatedly. And soon, this will be routine and whether we are having a good day or a challenging day, our thoughts will be positive and uplifting.  

Here’s an example:

Negative thought: I am so overwhelmed right now. I can’t do this anymore.

Positive thought: I am strong and courageous. I am a conqueror. I can handle anything that is thrown at me and I will come out on top.

Sometimes it’s as easy as saying, “I got this. I can do this,” and saying it over and over.

Have you ever had a bad night’s sleep? Okay, that was an unnecessary question. We’ve all had a bad night’s sleep. The next morning you crawl out of bed, and make yourself a cup of coffee and, what do you say to yourself while you are making that coffee? “I’m going to be so tired today. This day is going to be terrible.”

What if you said, “Well, that was a restless night, but I’m not going to let it affect my day. I’m still going to power through and have a great day. I am set for success today!”

Woohoo! That’s what I’m talking about and that is what you should be thinking and saying to yourself.

Here’s my motto: I refuse to allow what’s happening around me to lead to negative thoughts and behaviors. Those adverse actions around me won’t get into my head or get me down. Rise above the noise.

Set yourself up for a great day…a great week…a great year! What are you saying? Write positive thoughts on index cards and carry them with you. Place post-it notes on your mirror. Place them on your coffee maker or coffee cup, and repeat them over and over until you believe them and you see them manifested in your behaviors and actions. You are a winner!

Join me next week when we begin to talk about how suffering can lead to success and growth. Oh, that sounds interesting.


Growing Through Suffering - Part One


Self-Talk Matters