Finding Your Purpose in Life
When I am seeking insight and wisdom on a particular subject, I like to define the word I am working with and reflect upon it. So, what is purpose? Let’s define it.
Purpose (noun) - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists:
Let’s shorten that definition and read it again: The reason for which something is done.
There you have it! If we are looking for our purpose, let’s go through our day and find the reason behind everything we are doing.
Why am I going to work?
Why am I eating this doughnut?
Why am I going to church?
Why am I dating this guy?
Let’s say you are retired. Why am I getting up today? What am I going to accomplish today?
Can you add any to these? Do you see any direction and purpose in these statements?
A wise woman once said to me, “I wasn’t satisfied in life until I found my purpose.”
The Importance of Finding Purpose
Discovering your purpose in life is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Having a clear sense of purpose gives your life direction and meaning. It fuels your motivation, drives your actions, and helps you make decisions that align with your values and passions.
Living without purpose is living a stagnant life. Each day we wake and march on, striving, working, struggling, but for what? When we have a purpose, we arise, put on our battle clothes, release our battle cry, and march with resolve and determination.
When you are living a purpose-driven life, you are more likely to experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. You wake up every morning with a sense of excitement, knowing that you are working towards something meaningful. This sense of purpose also helps you overcome obstacles and setbacks, as you understand that those obstacles are just part of the journey towards your ultimate goal.
Moreover, having a purpose allows you to make a positive impact on the world. When you are aligned with your values and passions, you are in a better position to contribute to the greater good. You become a source of inspiration and motivation for others, influencing them to pursue their own purpose.
Finding your purpose is not just about personal fulfillment; it is about living a life of meaning and making a difference.
Reflecting on Personal Values and Passions
When it comes to finding your purpose, reflecting on your personal values and passions is a crucial step. Your values are the guiding principles that shape your beliefs and define what is important to you. They are the foundation upon which you build your purpose.
Take some time to consider what truly matters to you in life. What makes your heart sing and your soul come alive? Reflect on the activities, causes, and topics that ignite a fire within you. These are clues to your passions.
Your passions are the activities or pursuits that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. They are the things you lose track of time doing, the things that energize and inspire you. Identifying your passions will help you align your purpose with what truly drives and motivates you.
Why are you waking up each day?
Do you want to better yourself? Your living situation?
Do you want to help others? Who? Children/Teens/Adults? The homeless? Single mothers? The aging?
I spent several years doing marriage counseling. I used to tell couples, “Wake up each day and say, ‘How can I be a blessing to _[their mate’s name]___ today?’”
Who do you want to bless? Now, ask yourself, “How can I be a blessing to ____________ today?” Perhaps how you filled in your blank is your passion?
Purpose (noun) - the reason for which something exists.
You were created for a purpose. In this stage in life, what is your purpose? Why do you exist?
Discover your purpose, get motivated, and start your day with a plan.
In my next blog, we will explore different paths and consider various opportunities that you can utilize to begin your journey with purpose. By understanding yourself on a deeper level, you will be one step closer to finding your purpose and living a truly meaningful and fulfilling life.
It’s never too late to start a journey. Begin today with passion.
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