Angela Enos, Author

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What are You Thinking?


Positive thinking is a powerful practice that can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It is the practice of focusing on the good in any situation, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Developing a positive mindset can lead to improved resilience, increased motivation, and better overall mental health. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of thinking positively and provide practical tips on how to cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life. Whether you face challenges at work, in your relationships, or with your health, positive thinking can help you navigate difficult times with grace and determination.

 Stay tuned for the next section where we will delve into effective strategies to incorporate positive thinking into your daily routine and ways to overcome common obstacles that may hinder your progress towards a more optimistic outlook.

 Identifying negative thought patterns

To cultivate a positive mindset, it is important to recognize and address any negative thought patterns that may be hindering your ability to think positively. Common negative thought patterns include catastrophizing, overgeneralizing, and rehearsing confrontational situations.

 We first must be aware enough to identify our negative thinking and then challenge ourselves to reframe those thoughts into more positive and realistic perspectives.

 I have been attempting to practice maintaining a positive mindset in my life. This past week was an emotional one. Yes, I wanted to catastrophize, rehearse situations in my mind, and feel bad for myself. I had to be proactive in cultivating a positive mindset so I wouldn’t get trapped in those negative thoughts. Let’s explore how we can do that, and I’ll share more on my week of struggle.

 Cultivating a positive mindset

Once you have identified and acknowledged your negative thought patterns, it's time to actively work on cultivating a positive mindset. Here are some ways we can change our stinky thinking:

1.      Embrace gratitude by focusing on the things you are thankful for each day.

2.      Practice mindfulness to stay present and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts. For me, that means STOP rehearsing possible scenarios and conflicts. How about you?

3.      If you are having a tough time, reverse your negative thinking by reaching out and helping someone else.

4.      Surround yourself with positive influences and limit exposure to negativity.

 While I was working out at the gym and driving my car this week, I was playing podcasts from my favorite motivational teachers and listening to uplifting music. I kept myself busy so I wouldn’t just sit and “stew.” I also visited a friend whose problems were much worse than mine (a great dose of reality) and tried to encourage her. All of these activities kept me from internalizing and helped me to keep my chin up and think positively.

 Note: If you like listening to podcasts, I like to listen to Joyce Meyer and The Mindset Mentor. I went to Joyce Meyer’s episodes this week and chose “Don’t Let Conflict Steal Your Peace.” Woohoo! As I moved about my day, I listened to two hours of Joyce through my earbuds. I wanted her voice in my head, not mine. It led to a much more productive thought process. 

 When you are struggling with negative thoughts, choose to spend time with friends, family, or colleagues who uplift and inspire you. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Create a supportive environment at home and work by surrounding yourself with motivational quotes, uplifting music, or reading a self-help book to promote feelings of positivity.

 Remember, positivity breeds positivity, so make a conscious effort to fill your surroundings with optimism and encouragement.

 When faced with obstacles or setbacks, maintaining a positive mindset can be a powerful tool for navigating through difficult situations. Rather than getting bogged down by negativity, view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Practice reframing negative thoughts into more constructive and optimistic perspectives.

And remember, setbacks are a natural part of life, but how you choose to respond to them can make all the difference. Embrace challenges as stepping stones towards personal development and success. Stay motivated and resilient on your journey to a more positive outlook!

In the comments below, share some uplifting techniques you use when you are feeling negative… podcasts, books, music, or other ways.

 Join me next week as we talk about Internal Sentencing. Oh, that sounds like fun.

 Follow me on FB @ Angela Enos Author to receive motivational quotes, updates on my novel, Under the Roof, and sneak peeks of upcoming blogs.